Friday, April 11, 2008


2 months and 5 days since i last wrote here. it seems like a really loooong time though. so much has happened and i can say - quite confidently in fact - that i have changed in more ways than one.

first things first, i don't find myself serving God enough in church. have i lost the passion? as i look back at my previous blog entries, i remember i used to love serving Him and His people not too long ago.

Passion is a combination of love and hate.

if that was indeed the definition of the word, i guess having a passionate heartbeat for the things of God would mean that i have to love seeing people saved and finding a better life after knowing Jesus; at the same time, i need to hate seeing these people fall away, at the mercy of this depraved generation and world we are living in.

Lord, i want to commit to be your servant once again.

my psychological well-being is at stake. sometimes i feel like i'm living in two worlds: the army world and the civilian world. please do not mistake me for a schizo.

my body is being ravaged by the sweltering heat of the new bunk in hendon and the commando mosquitoes. they seem unwavered by mosquito coils, insect repellent or/and buzzers that make high-pitched noises - which apparently have an effective range of 25m. and they seem to love my B+ type blood, in contrast to my buddy's O+ type, which is SUPPOSED to draw more of those little suckers.

oh and my ankles and knees are feeling more wobbly after being pummelled by the ground several hundred times a week.

speaking about that, going airborne is truly an exhilarating experience; the instructors say its better than sex, apparently.
military aircraft is cooler than i ever imagined. the sight of them lined up looking all neat and spick and span is awe-inspiring.
the first jump from the Charlie-130 was quite shocking, mainly due to the really rough exit. my helmet almost flew off my head after i was sucked almost immediately towards the bottom of the aircraft after i exited. it was more fun than any rollercoaster ride i have taken though =)
second jump from the Chinook-47 was smoother, and the 5 second freefall was AMAZING. my heart almost flew out of my mouth. the landing was hard though, blame the wind! hope my left knee and right ankle recovers from the impact soon.

i love going airborne, but i dont know if its worth all the effort needed to set up an opportunity to jump. all the saikung and early wake-up timings get on the nerves sometimes.
anyway, i'm gonna get my wings this thursday/friday (if i survive my remaining 2 jumps)!

till then!