Monday, April 30, 2007

"i'm sorry"

"I'm sorry."
the way you said those words - the shades of meaning imbued in them. the prediction came true, though the fall was far from graceful. ah i feel so useless.
and poor mr ho, the innocent party, it just pains me to see him all confused and worried for us. i bet never in his entire conducting career in njcsb has he experienced such a headache. ahhh we don't just blow, we suck.

You’re holding her hand, you’re straining for words
You trying to make - sense of it all
She’s desperate for hope, darkness clouding her view
She’s looking to you

Just love her like Jesus, carry her to Him
His yoke is easy, His burden is light
You don’t need the answers to all of life’s questions
Just know that He loves her and stay by her side
Love her like Jesus
Love her like Jesus

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

life is precious

today is a day to rue the fragility of life and wrong priorities.
amidst all our busyness and struggles to reach our goals, please pretty please don't forget to treasure those around you, especially your family. when things go tough and all is out of your control, you'll find that blood really is thicker than water.
don't forget to set aside some effort for maintaining worthy friendships too;don't ever underestimate the perplexity of the human social system.

one day, we'll eventually lose our loved ones, so make every single time we meet count - stop picking on little mistakes, no one is perfect or invincible. be a good person yourself before you can make meaningful relationships. know when to offer help and solutions and when to just shut up and listen.

if i could turn back time, i would have been a better son, a better brother, a better friend, a better disciple, a better leader.
but time and tide wait for no man, we can only learn from the past and not live in it. the future is there for the taking.

The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? Hebrews 13:6

Friday, April 20, 2007

But would it set me free
If I dared to let you see
The truth behind the person
That you imagine me to be?

if we had no worries and commitments, would things be different?

TWENTY-ONE days. SEVENTEEN practices. almost there! but it leaves me to question our motives of working so hard. gold with honours of course, but for what? for.. who? to bring glory to njc or just to save us from humiliation?
"good morning all teachers and students. after 4 gruelling months shedding sweat and blood, we have achieved extremely commendable results considering tough competition such as the likes of rjc, tjc and acjc. we believe it is not the end result, but the process that counts. presenting to you, national junior college symphonic band, ******."
gosh, its a nightmare that keeps ringing in my head. weeeeell, we do have 21 days we could make full use of :) be more optimistic niclam! train harder with jessica!

ooooohh and i'm starting to like S.P. she's kinda funny in her own weird way xD and she makes me high with her compliments! but those moments are few and far between. shall work harder for gp too! :))

tmr napfa test, or pft or whatver. C for 2.4! 28 points! GO ME!

wahh this entry like some self-motivational session :DD oh ya managed to sneak some camera pics from phantom of the opera. gosh it was WONDERFUL, indescribable, number one must-watch for hedonistic people! shall dedicate an entry to it some other time. till then,

Friday, April 13, 2007

the pursuit for that coveted prize has caused much undue worry to everyone.
SIGH why why why do the judges have to be so strict this year. or maybe we should question why the band standards have deproved so much. or maybe its just a noble attempt to raise the quality of the music here.

yes WE are stuck in a rut. the locomotive which promised so much is wearing down even before it reached full throttle. it is stagnant, our music has as much life as a limp rag. so much for musicality, which like only accounts for a MEAGRE 50 PERCENT! looks like it would take a miracle for some musical sense to be drummed into the heads of certain people ahem.

are my new tuition buddy =) cant believe how coincidental it was, and how fortunate i am. i couldn't have asked for a prettier and nicer person :DDDD thank you lord!

Thursday, April 05, 2007


The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. Exodus 14:14
how many times have i made decisions without consulting Him? i found out that those were the exact times i fell hard.
This time i won't make the same mistake. Just allow Him to do his work! He is calling for a child-like faith, with Him being the sheperd and us the sheep.

Do you know that sheep are the most defenceless creatures in the entire planet? birds have wings, cats have claws and teeth and even my pet tortoise has a shell to protect its wrinkled body; but a sheep doesn't even make a sound, much less put up any resistance when its wool is being shaven off.
Thats why we need a sheperd. Should we stray from the sheperd, he breaks our legs and carries us in his loving arms until we finally learn how to depend on Him alone.

its gonna be easter soon! so excited for the drama in church! it is harvest time, truly.

and i just learned a new word!
invoke – verb (used with object), -voked, -vok·ing.
: to call for with earnest desire; make supplication or pray for: to invoke God's mercy.
this is exactly what i should be doing.