Thursday, March 08, 2007

one hurdle crossed

one hurdle crossed! but where is that feeling of liberation? the bittersweet emancipation of yesteryear? it sure doesn't help that A's are looming ever so closer, i can almost hear its thunderous footsteps. aiya why am i even talking about it, for now just enjoy! =)

anyway went to watch pursuit of happyness with class peeps after chem spa. it was pretty heart-rending, but being the manly guy that i am, the tears were held back hahahah :DD its quite touching to see someone trying so hard to be the best dad he can, at the same time screwing up his life and living to regret it. beauty really cannot be confined to a single definition. i guess it is most genuinely displayed through imperfection, when someone falls, gets back up on his feet, but is pushed right back down to earth again. it is when we are weak that our faith is strong!

feels weird that i wont have to hit the books for the next week or so.(someone scream NJ MUGGER!) march break full of band, band and more band! CHIOOONG!


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