Thursday, August 10, 2006

sometimes we see more with our eyes closed

cats have no worries and cares. i also admire their graceful yet powerful bodies. the epitome of perfection - an example of God's beautiful creation.
and these cats do not know sorrow. they live their life to feed themselves and their children, they live so that they can live another day.
why then did God give us our human intellect? why are we given a choice and the ability to discern what is beyond words, sight and even touch?
surely we were made for a greater purpose, a grander scheme in this phenomenon called life.
look beyond your hectic schedule, your responsibilities and the heavy expectations of this world.
take a long walk down the hdb corridors and the gardens and you might be able to see the many things once oblivious to your blinded eyes.
the warm smile of a father playing badminton with his beloved children, the shy cats playing the perennial game of hide-and-seek with you, the feeling of owning the entire world.
these are the things we once treasured before adolescence. its so important that we do not lose that little bit of us - that childish hope - for many times its the thin line that separates us from insanity.

I am here for you. You are in my prayers, my deepest thoughts every single day. The world lies between us and i dont see any way to get around it. but rest assured that even though things might never return to the way they used to be, i will be here.
I now understand why you once said that words are inadequate. Because some things are just not meant to be said - much less be expressed in words.


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